Thursday, June 24, 2010

Begining Again....

There was a time not to long ago I thought I might never pick up a camera again.  In the last two weeks that seems to have changed completely.  I'm currently knee deep in editing and filling my website as well as printing a new portfolio. 

I went with Livebooks for the convenience  of creating a quick website to get my work back on the playing field.  I find the preset websites great in functionality but very limiting when it comes to layout.  But for $39 bucks a month what can I really expect.  I'm hoping to have it live sometime in July if not sooner.  The print portfolio... that could take a while.

While going through images I came across some older shots from what seems decades ago.  The first group is from a short film I shot with my brother and my friends Omer and Ben.

Why so serious?  Photo by Ben Budd

One of my favorites of Steve and Putz.   Omer shot this one.  While most people use a point and shoot digital to capture some making of grab shots to remeber a shoot or project I decided to bring a Diana...
These are from a TJ Max shoot a few years back in White Sands.

More to come soon regarding the relaunching of photography as a career and continued exploration into the world of illustration.

1 comment:

  1. I love that pic of it. And by the way...i love all the pics you take. This house is littered with pics from you...and we just love em. Maybe when Itch grows uo (sic* 7 years) we can take pics of Sull, Itch and V together
